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Hello, I'm Margaret, a global event planner, dreamer, and creative.

Over the past eleven years, I have refined my skills in order to provide our clients with a range of services tailored to deliver high-level functions and iconic experiences.  


As a hospitality professional, I strive to provide guests with a concierge-style event experience. I hold a bachelor's degree in hospitality and tourism administration, a master's degree in business administration, and a certification as a Certified International Wedding and Event Planner

Catering is one of my greatest passions

My professional career began as a caterer in the event industry, which I consider to be an integral part of any event. It was during the process of designing menus and working at events that I realized how passionate I was about catering and events.


As part of my daily routine, I would come up with creative ideas, work long hours, and give my all because I enjoyed what I was doing. Through my efforts, I have been offered a partnership opportunity with Ciano Gourmet, one of the leading catering companies in the Dominican Republic, which serves delicious dishes and provides exceptional customer service. It is a true blessing for me to have the opportunity to fulfill my dreams. Consequently, I not only own a catering company but I also get to do what I love every day.


Wedding Flowers Decorations

A Perfectionist on Every Detail 

It has been an amazing path for over 11 years now with its ups and downs but my philosophy is to never give up, look ahead, be a hands-on learner, trust God and stay positive.


I am driven by passion, motivation, and determination. Moreover, it is my goal to ensure that all the events are successful.

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